Brand Bondi

One word. 11,000 people. 48% born in Australia. THE place to live, according to a large proportion of Sydneysiders and ex pats who visit Sydney aged 20-45.

“Rav’s”, “Grassy knoll”, ” Kemmeny’s”, ” 333″, “Beachie”, “Icebergs”, “Bucket List” If you relate to any of these terms you too may have fallen victim to the Bondi Bubble. I fell into the trap myself twice. Although according to a “Bondi Local” I only lived in “West Bondi” and “Bondi Junction”.

What is the main attraction to this playground of sun, surf and beer…?


The Bubble 

“Bondi” or “Boondi” is an Aboriginal word meaning water breaking over rocks or noise of water breaking over rocks. A definition that may be news to many “Bondi locals”.

What is the impact on social status when responding with Bondi as to where you reside. Compared to say, Church Point, Cherrybrook, Girraween or Otford? Some people who live in neighboring suburbs are convinced they live in Bondi. Brand Bondi is so popular one suburb wasn’t enough. And so Bondi Beach and Bondi Junction were born.

Why have Bondi Burgers at Oporto have caught on across the country and yet there isn’t another meal at a large fast food outlet that has been branded the name of an Australian suburb.  Why do we have a surf lifesaving show – Bondi Rescue – dedicated to only one of our many beaches? The same goes for the new show ‘Bondi Ink’.

Is living in Bondi forming a part of people’s identities…? Brand association with a world famous beach and iconic part of Sydney… Does rent factor in this positive publicity? From all reports yes…

Recent Government demographic reports state that unemployment is proportionately lower in the Eastern Suburbs than elsewhere….perhaps fuelling the hedonistic lifestyle Bondi locals lead.

Nature or Nurture

Did you know Bondi has the highest per capita of bachelorettes than anywhere in Sydney? These eligible bachelorettes must be under the impression the more time they spend in Bondi the greater their chances of striking gold. What’s not to say their prince or princess charming isn’t waiting for them in Tasmania?

Do people need their surroundings to propel them to achieve self actualisation? Or could they live on a farm with the one they love and still enjoy life? Can you live in one of the 640 other Sydney suburbs and still lead a fulfilling life.  Are residents of Bondi not born and bred there susceptible to conformity and group think?

Have residents considered the real impact of welcoming thousands of revellers that storm the suburb on a daily basis, especially on New Year’s Eve. Surely a large grocery store wouldn’t go astray… and Parking… what can be done in 2 hours after people have travelled all that way to the popular Bondi for a visit.

I used to see the view of multiple beaches from my bedroom window OTB “over the bridge (Harbour)” as Easteners (or wannabe) would say… and still… like so many others I find myself frequenting the one and only – Bondi Beach.

Is it the fantasy land and the lifestyle that screams ‘We will never grow old that could be the biggest drawcard of all?”.

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